Led a study into the current state of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the UK and worldwide for Dstl, resulting in recommendations on focus areas for future development, in collaboration with
RJD Technology and Steersman Systems Ltd
ICE Study for Niteworks and UK Army
Developed, for Niteworks, an Information Handling Model and Reference Architecture (using Sparx EA) for Intelligence in the UK Army which has subsequently influenced major Joint programmes
PED Node for UK Army
Developed, for Niteworks, the architectural design for a Joint Processing Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) node, including a proposed evolution process, using System of Systems engineering principles, which will be exploited by UK StratCom as a solution for battlefield Intelligence systems
Land Environment Spearhead
Developed framework, processes, plans and architectural inputs for the Land Environment Spearhead, aimed at accelerating the deployment of AI in the Army including AI/ML System of Systems maturity process
Update to Allied Intelligence Publication
Developed a major update to the NATO intelligence exchange standard, AIntP-3, based on generation of a new UML-based Platform Independent Model of the data to be exchanged. This allows the use of a range of exchange formats including XML, JSON and RDF, in collaboration with VH2 Ltd and Montvieux Ltd